2023 綠電交易高峰會
2022 Taiwan Renewable Procurement Summit
「2023台灣綠電交易高峰會」由商業周刊主辦,歐洲商會低碳倡議行動 (ECCT LCI) 與中華經濟研究院 (RE100區域倡議夥伴) 擔任共同倡議單位,將於6月10日 (週二) 假華南銀行國際會議中心舉辦,敬邀您共同參與。本峰會將聚焦企業採購綠電案例及綠電團購議題,協助企業降低經營成本,遵循政府ESG政策、符合國際供應鏈要求,並達到淨零碳排目標。本峰會3大關注重點:
2023 Taiwan Renewable Procurement Summit is hosted by Business Weekly, together with the European Chamber of Commerce - Low Carbon Initiative (ECCT LCI) and Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research (CIER, RE100 regional initiative partner) as the joint initiative partners. It will be held on May 4 this year at Hua Nan International Conference Center. The summit will focus on corporate procurement of green electricity and group buying issues, as well as to assist companies to reduce operating costs, to comply the government ESG policies, to meet global supply chain requirements, and to achieve net-zero goals. Three topics will be covered as:
Barriers and opportunities in renewable electricity sourcing.
Accessible and affordable renewable electricity to SMEs.
Renewable electricity matchmaking and networking.