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2022 RE100 會員大會

2022 RE100 Members’ Meeting – Taiwan Hub

由氣候組織 (The Climate Group) 所主導的RE100再生能源倡議,已於全球掀起新一波綠電革命,全球共計超過380個知名企業會員,並在國內逐步產生影響力,目前共計有22個台灣企業會員、及超過100個外商企業會員企業。中華經濟研究院自2019年開始擔任RE100區域合作夥伴,與會員共同推動友善的綠電採購環境,並定期舉辦活動作為會員交流的平台。本次會議重點包括:新會員介紹、發布2022台灣年報及會員經驗分享。 (本會議僅限RE100會員及2022年報贊助企業參加)

RE100, the renewable energy initiative led by The Climate Group, has set forth a global revolutionary wave of clean power. RE100 has more than 380 renowned corporate members around the world, and it is gradually gaining influence in Taiwan. There are currently 22 members that are headquartered in Taiwan and more than 100 members that have operations in Taiwan. The Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research (CIER) has been the Regional Initiative Partner for RE100 since 2019 to promote renewable energy procurement and development by organizing RE100 members’ meetings. Some highlights from the meeting will include: the introduction of new members, the release of the RE100 Taiwan report, and the exchange of members’ experiences (Registration for this meeting is only open to RE100 members and the sponsors for 2022 report).

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CIER is the local campaign partner of The Climate Group for RE100 in Taiwan.

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